
Showing posts from August, 2017

Thoughts on The conscience of a hacker

The conscience of a hacker really got to me because it's about a person who has not really related to much in life and when he finally was happy with what he was doing they stripped it away from him. Many adults tell us to do what we want but if you don't do what's in the norms then they automatically either think about you as a genius or a screw up and in the reading the person talks about how they consider him a criminal while the people that consider him a criminal are judging people by things that can't be controlled by like race , nationality ,skin color and religion and they make things like bombs and wars but all he was trying to do was just play around codes on a computer which what he was curious about and all he really is guilty of is his curiosity. In the end the only people who ended up loosing were the people who frowned upon his curiosity because they will never have such mindset and will be stuck frowning upon other curious people. The difference between

The right to your opinion

The article on the right to my own opinion really opened my eyes and made me realize that everyone has the right to their own opinion and everyone else has to take that into consideration and we do that everyday without thinking about it. The right to your opinion doesn't mean you have to be an asshole and bring it up in everything when your opinion isn't being taken in consideration . Everyone argues because they want their opinion to be the one that's right and so people start to disagree until the other party  understands their reasoning .

Earth on turtles back response

In the story/folktale Earth on turtles back the theme of the story is that sometimes you have to end something old to start something new . In the story chief wants to rip or take down the old tree and that's almost like a metaphor of him leaving his old life behind to start his new life with his kid and his wife and when he takes it down he's starting fresh with the hole and that's how he is starting his new life.

My opinion on the Richard Corey poem

The poem Richard Corey took a really dark turn at the end and I was actually surprised that it ended in him killing himself when he seemed like he had everything but as we discussed in class it wasn't about the moeny he was probably just too tired of the money and the money depressed him . His name gave me a feeling the author named him Richard because it has rich in the title or just maybe because even his name flows so smooth making him the perfect person who seems to have completely nothing wrong with him on the outside and that's the only thing people saw they can't see his thoughts so they never knew how bad that aspect of his life was because they were just focused on his appearance.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog where I'll share things that I think are interesting