Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone / something a strong god in religion Trusting something that theirs no proof of but the belief being so strong it changes your lifestyle Threshold: magnitude/ intensity that has to be exceeded for certain reaction, phenomenon, result or condition to occur / be manifested How hard something has to be passed in order for a certain result to happen Tarry: of, like or covered w/ tar Resolve : settle/ find solution to , decide firmly on Coruse of action solving the problem Discern: perceive or organize (something), distinguish w/ difficulty by sight w/ other senses To get things in order, using other senses to see how challenging something's going to be without using sight Martyr: person who is killed because of their religious/ other beliefs Mirth : amusement, especially as expressed in laughter Cathechism: summarry of principles of Christian religion in form of questions and answers used for instruction of Christians Schoo...