
Showing posts from October, 2017

Me and iris at the park

That’s gum on my shoe not poop


Something about the book I’m reading is it takes place in the 1800s when slavery is a big part of America and how it functions

How to host a good conversation online

- be nice and understanding -be educated on what you’re fighting about - do your best to not get into others business - just use the same common sense as you would in real life but more so tech savvy

Vocabulary #6

Meme :  Those memes are funny . My cousins had a virus on his phone . Everyone now a days wants to go viral. I enjoy looking at others blogs but have a hard time keeping mine up to date . My history teacher hates us using Wikipedia . Every time I post a picture I have to get a URL for it. Their are many websites that are scamming people . WHen you type WWW. Something then it’s easier to find than coping a whole entire URL with numbers and signs and stuff . The internet is a good source of fun an communication until it’s used wrong. The 2.0 version of the internet is way easier to use. In this class it’s an open source environment.

Vocabulary #6


Using the vocabulary

On an odd cold summer fringed morning everyone was confused as to why it was such a gloomy day when yesterday had been such a marvelous hypnotizing day with the perfect weather and people participating on cliché summer activities such as swimming and today was the weather was like venomous Mother Nature met up with the sweet and lovely Mother Nature from yesterday and had a fight (that the venomous Mother Nature won of course). The old man who was such stolid man walking his dog every day by the bakery on orchid street was suspended looking up at the sky what could he possibly be seeing? He dissolved slowly from the bakery to the bookstore still looking up and his face seemed sad and the Aurora he gave off was that of melancholy his dog as well in fact all of the people walking around seemed depressed and earnestly. The days went on like this for a week everyone was accusing global warming, the government and some people were even accusing North Korea everyone was in a state of panic w

Time management

Thursday: selling: 8h28 giving: 1h30 spending:1h passing:30min Friday: selling: 4h20 giving: 4h50 spending:50mins passing:4h30 Saturday: selling: 2h20 giving: 6h spending: passing:7h20 Sunday: selling: giving: 1h50 spending:3h30 passing:11h Monday: selling: 8h28 giving: 1h30 spending:1h passing:30min Tuesday: selling: 8h28 giving: 1h30 spending:1h passing:30min Wednesday: selling: 8h20 giving: 1h spending:1h30 passing:3h Thursday: selling: 8h giving: 1h30 spending:1h passing:30min

My mentor and why I chose him

i want to create something that is innovative . I think a great mentor would be Elon Musk because he is a very inspirational person because he is making some of the coolest things in my opinion like the tesla . Not only is the man smart as hell but he is is also confident and Im not the most  confident person that comes off as genorous and down to Earth and I hope to be like that in the mean future. A lot of people started buying his car and his new idea is SpaceX which is where he wants to start a settlement in Mars I don’t know if that’s going to be successful but I don’t know.

Something good I did today

Today something good I did was help my friend with her science homework. My class is a little ahead of all the other classes and we learned all the things that she needed help in and I taught her how to use significant figures.

Vocabulary #5
