
Showing posts from May, 2018

Brian, Carlos and Mari Carmen’s master piece academies

Cqrlos talked about bmx things which was interesting how he applied his passion so that all of us could relate Brian had things to say about religion and how it affects us all as a culture and about what it mean so to everyone finally Mari Carmen made a really good presentation about how bulling affects people and how family can mean so much more

Daniel and I on NASA, well kind of ....

Today was Daniel and my presentations and we both quincentennially talked about the same things although he talked about our solar system and how we survive on it all the different types of planets like terrestrial planets gas planets and ice planets at one point he also talked about moving to mars and my presentation was all about mars and global warming although at the end my link didn’t really work here it is you just have to add the gadgets and play around with it to see all kinds of things about maris like where all it’s volcanoes are at etc

My presentation

my presentation is tomorrow and I feel like I’m going to try to do my best to make it have a lot of technology so that I can make it good expect a map of mars taking about mars and global warming and what will really happen if we ignore global warming and just move to another planet

Churros Presentation

churros presentation was yesterday but his was about playing the guitar and how he plans to make his guitar playing to the next level and seeing to create a band with his cousins for a startup and then go solo.

Alexis’ presentation

Alexis presentation was about friendship and was mainly about collaborating with others to become friends it was pretty cool

My review on the hunchback of notre dame .

Today I had the opportunity to go to watch the hunchback of notre dame at the pcpa and it was so good I really enjoyed it and although it wasn’t my first play it’s the one that I remember the best because the other plays I watched were in elementary and I don’t really remember them but this one was really good . The set was built to perfection and it looked like the actual place although it resembled the Disney version more than the actual one . The play consisted of the same set just that switched around at times and many props that brought it all to life the logs and music made it more vivid although the seats were quite uncomfortable the play was still really good . At the end of the play the whole cast was on stage and they clapped for each one individually and they clapped for the villain who in my opinion also did a really good job and it was just such a good show .

A Way to prove yourself...

     Proving yourself can be quite hard although not impossible, I’m life you always have to prove yourself no matter if you’re the best or the worst you have to prove what you are and oftentimes in school you have a harder time than proving yourself to other people because of the fact that what you prove what you know, your integrity and your values in school and sometimes it’s hard because many people don’t really care for school but do about other things and because they don’t have the proof from their academic achievements they’re brushed off . A way to prove yourself in Dr. Preston’s class is by simply posting which is easy yet hard because you have to really think about what you want to say which is often hard for me. Proving yourself should be hard because you’re making someone trust you that doesn’t know you .

Fahrenheit 451 essay


Where I left off on Fahrenheit 451

I left off on the part where Beatty gets burned by Montag and Montag gets bitten by the robotic dog he burns it to death but still gets injected with something the dog had and he realizes that after he killed Beatty and everyone knows about his books and his wife leaving ttheirs no way he can go back to his old life .